Wearing Seatbelt while Driving
If you want to avoid serious injury in the event of a car collision, Wearing Seatbelt is the “single most effective thing” you can do is to always wear your seatbelt, says the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The CDC reports that approximately 41,000 people lost their lives in automobile accidents in the US in 2020. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data demonstrate, however, that the moment you fasten your seatbelt, your chances of becoming one of those people immediately decrease.
Buckle up, shall we?
Rural Americans had a higher fatality rate and a lower rate of seatbelt use compared to their urban counterparts, according to a 2014 CDC research.
The CDC research also indicated that drunk driving and speeding are associated with decreased rates of seatbelt usage.
People who don’t wear seatbelts often or never give reasons such as being in a rush, not wanting their clothes wrinkled, not wanting to deal with heavy traffic, being angry at the government for telling these individuals what’s to do, believing that airbags will keep them safe, or knowing a person who passed away in an accident while wearing a seatbelt, according to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Common justifications for not fastening one’s seatbelt include.
Always use a seatbelt
- Your personal injury attorneys have witnessed firsthand the financial impact of drivers who fail to wear seatbelts in vehicle accidents. Not using a seatbelt greatly reduces one’s chances of survival in an accident since it increases the likelihood of being thrown from a vehicle.
- If we want to see a decrease in injuries caused by vehicle accidents in New York and a shift in public opinion toward wearing seatbelts, we may do so by doing things like:
- Attentively taking notes. When you turn the key in the ignition of most automobiles, you’ll hear a warning to fasten your seatbelts.
- Creating visual or auditory cues to serve as reminders. One option is to install a specially-made air freshener in the vehicle, whose aroma will serve as a constant reminder to check all of the security features.
- Something that will remind you to fasten your seatbelt or make you feel the need to do so automatically.
- Making a mental note to yourself. For instance, you may write a reminder and post it on the dashboard.
- Always make sure that everyone in the vehicle is fastened to their seatbelts before deploying the emergency brake.
- Turning it into a game. First person to snap in wins. With children, this may be a hit.
- The litmus test and lifeline that is the seatbelt
- Is it really worth it to wear a seatbelt? In a word, yes. You might be dead in an instant if you don’t fasten your seatbelt.
There are more factors that might affect your safety on the road, such as the number of drivers who buckle up. People who don’t fasten their seatbelts aren’t necessarily trying to endanger themselves. We tend to ignore it because we’re in a hurry, preoccupied with something else, or convinced that the distance we’re traveling is little.
Remember that every time you get behind the wheel, you’re sharing the road with drivers whose perspectives and decisions can vary greatly from your own. When driving, you can’t help but be exposed to the reckless decisions made by other drivers. Remembering to fasten your seatbelt may save your life.